Friday, 5 December 2008


As my interests are mainly golf, gardening & my dog, I set up a site (with assistance) that reviewed these and a number of other products at

I also set up a site at that provided news and shopping links.

So far neither seem to have attracted much interest, so I'm clearly either not doing what needs to be done to interest people, or not putting the flags out into the ether that draw attention to those sites.  So, back to study & tweaking this & that to see what happens!

As my old Scoutmaster used to say "Just make a decision & act.  If it's wrong, you can always do something else to rectify the situation."

Thursday, 4 December 2008


I've been venturing into the murky waters of internet marketing, where so many self-styled 'gurus' offer a vast range of advice, usually at a price.  Has anyone else become as bewildered & frustrated as I?

So far, I've not got too far (probably  like a person lost in the wilderness, wandering in a circle), so I've decided that I need to create a plan of action & set some goals, however unrealistic they may turn out to be, that I can work towards over the next year.

Meanwhile I'll enjoy my golf over the festive season, host family visitors & play with setting up this blog.  Comments or suggestions to improve it will be most welcome.