Monday, 30 November 2009

What's Old is New

Sometimes it seems everyone in authority is going quite daft! I recall a quote which went "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Unfortunately history is either not taught at schools these days, or is skewed to suit some left or right wing bigoted idiot's viewpoint, or is ignored to pander to a vocal minority.

In Australia we have recently experienced massive destruction in the southern states from bush fires. Although I live in the north, it seems to me that the solution is quite simple - burn off selectively at the most suitable time, which is what Aborigines practiced for centuries and what the older generation in the rural sector also practiced.

Unfortunately, in recent years local authorities, no doubt encouraged by politically correct nitwits in the State & Federal arena, have conveniently forgotten the lessons of history, bent over for the vocal minority greenies, many of whom have no idea what they are talking about, & reduced or forbidden burn offs.

A recent report has recalled history - ScienceDaily (Nov. 29, 2009) — A landmark Australian project that mitigates the extent and severity of natural savannah blazes by deploying traditional Indigenous fire management techniques is being hailed as a model with vast global potential in the fights against climate change and biodiversity loss, and for protecting Indigenous lands and culture, etc, etc Check it out here

What resources we could save by studying history more closely!

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